Aligning efforts with the Summer of Solutions, the Climate Summit and the broader United Nations space
The Youth and Public Mobilization Track
The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection has identified the “Youth and Mobilization track” as a priority to contribute to the Climate Action Summit. Through the African Youth Climate Hub, the foundation aims to highlight Youth Leadership from the Global South and foster dialogue between African Youth and Governments. The Hub will engage in intergenerational dialogue, empower young entrepreneurs, and create an African Youth community to reach beyond the climate bubble. It will consult young people to identify key challenges and transform them into active rapporteurs of African Youth voices. The Hub’s E-learning center will facilitate cross-generational collaboration and provide a platform for innovative solutions
Summer of Solutions
The African Youth Climate Hub is fully aligned with the inspiring Summer of Solutions Initiative by the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth and share the same dynamics aimed at empowering the Youth for concrete impact. Seve- ral operational synergies will thus be explored and leve- raged with the African Youth Climate Hub, in particular:
The Other Tracks of the Coalition
Mitigation Strategy track
The African Youth Climate Hub will support the ambitious and inclusive imple mentation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Social & Political Drivers track
The Hub will serve as a platform for youth advocacy, inspiring public policies, and engaging political and private sector leaders. It will also focus on the health stream of this track, identifying synergies.
Energy Transition track
The Hub will facilitate the exchange of solutions and best practices in energy transition.
Resilience & Adaptation track
The Hub will strengthen coordination and collaboration among youth in tackling climate change, including the creation, testing, and evaluation of youth-designed resilience and adaptation strategies. It will foster partnerships with various organizations for driving adaptation and climate resilience.
Nature-based Solutions track
The Hub will enable youth to explore nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable agriculture. It will promote good practices and provide guidance on transforming projects into income-generating activities.
Infrastructure, Cities and Local Government track
The Hub will connect youth with municipal authorities and city leaders, considering the region’s growing youth population and urbanization rate.
Climate Finance and Carbon Pricing track
The Hub will serve as a forum for youth advocacy on climate finance and carbon pricing, ensuring that youth perspectives are integrated into climate-related roadmaps.
Industry track
The Hub will foster dialogue between young people and industries, promoting sustainable national development strategies and preparing for a low-carbon future with a focus on a just transition.
Meeting the United Nations goals
The African Youth Climate Hub is keen to contribute to and facilitate our collective mobilization to address Climate Change, not only in the short term but also in the mid and long terms. In that regard, the African Youth Climate Hub is, in addition to the UN 2019 Climate Summit of the Secretary General, also looking at COP25, COP26 (Action for climate empowerment, Paris Committee for Capacity Building, etc. and has identified 2023 as an important year.
Indeed, The African Youth Climate Hub, including through its “Dashboard” module, clearly intends to contribute as an additional source of input to the global stocktake and NAZCA reporting efforts, representing African Youth voices, perceptions, and expectations.
To ensure a fast and concrete operationalization of the Hub, catalyse synergies and benefit from lessons learned, the Foundation will seek active collaboration with the Global Climate Agenda and NAZCA key stakeholders, in order to align performance measurement frameworks and indicators. A joint task force will be proposed, in order to facilitate collaborative work.
The Hub will also look to facilitate the effective participation of the Youth to participate to other international climate agenda events, such as the Climate chance Summit Africa, the One planet summit, the World Climate Summit, the C40 cities climate leadership group or also other Youth dedicated events such as the Conference of the Youth